Can Arowana Live With Koi?

Asian arowana fish in a blue aquarium

Arowana and koi are both beautiful, ornamental fish prized by fish enthusiasts. The beautiful colors of both, but the difference in fin and body shape, make them ideal fish to pair together to live in the same aquarium or pond. If you want to increase the beauty and diversity of your pond, you may wonder if Arowana can live with koi in the same pond.

Arowana and koi fish can live together. Their diet and environmental needs are different and must be considered and met simultaneously. Only fish of the same size can be introduced to the pond. Be aware that Arowana are predatory fish that may attack koi in certain circumstances.

Having more than one fish in the same pond elevates your experience of each to a new level. Still, a few factors must be considered before putting koi and arowana in a pond together. Below we discuss their differences and what accommodations you must make to allow arowana and koi to live together successfully.

Can Arowana And Koi Share A Pond?

Arowana and koi fish can share a pond. Even though arowana are more aggressive and may try to dominate the koi, it is possible to keep them together if you take these considerations into account:

Arowana fish
Arowana fish
  1. Size of the fish: Arowana are aggressive carnivorous fish. If they are put in a pond with koi fry or small koi, they will eat or attack them. The size of both species should be about the same to keep aggression to a minimum and stop attacks. Even more so if the koi are slightly larger than the arowana. 
  2. The number of each species in the pond: Koi are social fish that stick together in groups, so a few will need to be placed in the pond at the same time as the arowana to ensure their collective safety.
  3. Water quality: Both koi and arowana are freshwater fish that require well-oxygenated and clean water to thrive. Testing water quality and regular pond cleaning will keep both fish species healthy.
  4. Pond size: Both fish species require a large pond and moving space. Arowana can grow to three feet long, and koi varieties vary between 1-3 feet. The pond must be big enough to accommodate the number and size of fish you introduce. Always ask a fish specialist what size pond you will need for the number and size of fish you intend to introduce.
  5. Diet and feeding: The dietary requirements are different between the two types of fish. Arowana is carnivorous and needs a protein-rich diet. Koi are omnivorous and require a diet balanced between protein and vegetables. Separating them while feeding is impossible, so owners must balance both needs and manage a feeding schedule.
  6. Competition for space: Arowana fish may also grow larger than koi, possibly outcompeting them for food and oxygen. Fully grown koi and arowana fish of the same size are recommended for the same pond.
Bright Red Orange Koi - Aquatic Gardens and Pond, fish for garden waterhole, expensive decorative Japanese fishes, shubunkin goldfish, amur carp, Koi symbol of luck, prosperity and good fortune in Japan
Koi fish

Use this information to decide whether the fish that will live together can be put in the same pond and the best conditions for managing them.

Note: If any aggression is observed in either fish, they must be separated immediately to avoid injury to one or both, so make provisions before placing them in the pond.

While there may be challenges and conditions to keeping these two species of fish together in the same pond, if you keep their needs in mind, you can successfully keep arowana and koi together.

What Are The Differences Between Arowana And Koi?

Koi fish

Arowana and koi fish are sought after by fish enthusiasts. Still, while they are both freshwater fish, there are some significant differences between them that will help you understand their needs and behaviors:

Size and GrowthLarge fish that can grow up to three feet in length.Medium to large fish. In captivity, they grow between 1 -3 feet.
Food and Dietary RequirementsCarnivorous fish. They require a protein-rich diet.Omnivorous fish. They require a balanced diet of protein and vegetables.
Temperature requirementsThrive in temperature between 75 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.Thrive in temperatures between 34 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
The differences between Arowana and koi fish

Keep these differences in mind when preparing to keep them together. Knowing their needs and behaviors will allow you to respond to any challenges you may face when putting them in the same pond.

Can You Keep Arowana In A Pond?

Arowana in aquarium, this is a favorite fish with long body, beautiful dragon shape colorful for decoration in the aquarium in the rich family
Arowana fish
Koi fish

While they prefer larger bodies of water, arowana can be kept in a pond. They are found naturally in low-oxygen dams, so a pond’s low-oxygen environment will suit them. 

In most cases, they will require additional feeding as the amount of naturally occurring food in a pond will not be enough for them to survive without feeding them. Ensure the food is of high quality and protein content.

Bear in mind that arowana will grow to suit the size of the pond, so it is best not to transfer them from a bigger pond to a smaller one, especially if you are introducing koi to the pond as well. Where possible, introduce them to the pond as smaller fish and allow them to grow to suit the size of the pond.

If you want to learn more about what animals can live with koi fish, you can read my blog posts:
Can Shubunkin live with Koi
Can Koi and Turtles live together
Best Catfish for Koi Pond
Can I put an Algae Eater in my Koi pond

What Are The Benefits Of Keeping Koi And Arowana Together?

mosquito larvae in water

Besides the added beauty of two fish species in the same pond, there are two other benefits of keeping koi and arowana fish in the same pond:

  1. Arowana are intelligent fish, and owners and fish enthusiasts will get a unique interactive experience compared to a koi-only pond. Adding them to a pond that already has koi will boost the experience.
  2. Koi and arowana fish help control and maintain insect and larvae populations in a pond. Two different types of fish with different hunting techniques will assist in keeping insect populations down.

How To Keep Arowanas From Attacking Koi In The Same Pond

Koi fish hiding under aquatic plants

As mentioned above, if the koi are the same size as the arowana, the arowana will be less likely to attack. In addition to this, you can also plant extra vegetation and partition the pond.

The best way to keep arowana fish from attacking koi in a shared pond is to keep high levels of vegetation and separated areas that koi can hide if they feel threatened.

If necessary, the vegetation will keep the distance between the two fish by creating a natural barrier.

Place the plants in such a way that there are separate areas that the different species can go to. With a place to go if the koi are feeling threatened, they will be less stressed and more happily share the pond with the arowana fish.


Arowana and koi fish are beautiful and sought-after fish for ponds worldwide. They can live together in the same aquarium or pond. Still, there are some considerations and factors to consider before introducing them. In particular, the size, nature, and dietary requirements of each need to be considered. If you have all the information and put it into practice, you will have happy and healthy koi and arowana living together.

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