Can Koi Fish Eat Betta Food

Koi fish are a popular choice of fish for ponds and large aquariums. Their unique colors and friendliness make feeding Koi fish a fun and interactive activity for Koi owners. Another favored fish owners like adding to aquariums are the Betta fish with their exquisite finnage, but can Koi fish eat Betta food?

Koi fish are omnivorous and can safely eat Betta food, benefiting from the high protein food of carnivorous Betta fish. In addition, Koi fish need a balanced diet, including fats, minerals, and vitamins, from vegetables and fruits, with a controlled amount of fiber and carbohydrates.

Koi and Betta fish are exquisite-looking fish with magnificent coloring and patterns. However, the two species have slightly different dietary needs. Even though you can use the food interchangeably, it’s crucial to understand the nutritional values needed for Koi fish to provide them with optimal nourishment for body conditioning, color, growth, and health.

Pro Tip: If you’re tired of wasting money and making costly mistakes on the koi-keeping hobby or are thinking about buying koi fish but don’t know where to start, I strongly suggest you check out this ebook. I recently read this ebook, and it contains SO much useful information, such as: 

  • 3 proven steps to identify koi fish diseases
  • WARNING: 3 things you should NEVER do when it comes to caring for koi
  • When to seek professional help when it comes to looking after your koi

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Can Koi Fish Eat Betta Food?

Having Koi and Betta fish in the same water space is not ideal, but if you find yourself in a pinch without some Koi food, you can definitely use Betta food to feed your Koi.

Betta food is specifically formulated to suit the nutritional values needed for Betta fish. As carnivores, their food consists of much higher protein content.

Koi fish are omnivores and need plant and animal matter to get the proper nutritional values they need to survive. So, you can feed Koi fish Betta pellets and supplement their diet with vegetables and fruits.

Betta Food can be much higher in protein, some reaching as high as 55%, which can be excessive for Koi. In this case, it is best to avoid it unless it is for a short period.

Can Koi And Betta Fish Live Together And Eat The Same Food?

Koi and Betta fish can live together, although it’s not recommended. They have different water conditions requirements. 

Koi fish can survive in the same temperatures as Betta fish, but you may find them getting a bit hot under the collar. 

Koi fish prefer water temperatures between 65 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. In contrast, Betta fish prefer warmer water and thrive in temperatures between 76 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Koi fish are omnivorous, and the larger Koi will make a tasty snack out of your Betta. If you need to keep the two together due to circumstance, you could manage as long as the two species are similar in size.

In short, Koi and Betta Fish are not suited to living together in the same tank or pond. You would do both these fish a favor by giving them their own environment that is optimally suited to each species.

What Can Koi Fish Eat?

Koi fish need a balanced diet that is high in protein. Their diet also depends to a certain degree on what you intend to use them for, breeding, showing, or fish pond ornaments.


Koi fish are omnivores and need a high protein diet that consists primarily of aquatic protein like fish meal or shrimp meal. You can also provide them with blood worms or mealworms as a treat.

If you want to show or breed the Koi fish, providing them with a 38-40% protein diet is ideal for producing muscle mass. It’s also vital for juveniles to grow strong and healthy.

For non-show Koi fish lazily cruising the pond, a 32-35% protein diet is sufficient.

Avoid cheaper food pellets that have synthetic proteins such as L-ammino acids.


Although too much fat is unhealthy for your Koi and can cause liver degeneration or obesity, it is necessary but in a controlled amount.

Adult Koi should be fed under 5% fat, while a maximum of 7% fat is beneficial for the growth of juvenile Koi.


Fiber is used for aiding digestion. However, Koi fish do not have stomachs, making digestion of fibrous food more difficult. 

Keep fiber low, and don’t feed more than 7% of the fiber in the Koi fish diet.


Carbohydrates are starches that the Koi will use as an energy source. Too many carbohydrates will not be used as energy and transformed into fats, increasing the risk of liver degeneration and obesity.

Carbohydrates should be at most 10% of the Koi fish feeding cycle.

Treats From The Kitchen For Your Koi

Feeding your Koi specialized Koi food is necessary to ensure they receive a balanced diet formulated for their dietary needs.

However, creating bonding time with your Koi while feeding them some treats from the kitchen can be an entertaining and gratifying experience for you and your Koi, creating a special bond.

Vegetables and fruits provide your Koi with plenty of healthy and natural vitamins and minerals that are healthy to boost their immune system. Just make sure that hard veggies and fruits are peeled and chopped into smaller bite sizes so that all your Koi can fit in their mouth.

You can also buy some protein-packed store-bought treats, and your Koi will absolutely love them.

Vegetables that can be fed to Koi are;

  • Garlic
  • Broccoli
  • Leak
  • Endive
  • Cauliflower
  • Squash
  • Lettuce

Ideal fruits are, 

  • Melon
  • Grapes
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberry
  • Mandarins
  • Oranges
  • Watermelon

Store-bought treats, 

Other foods that can be fed to Koi but should be kept to a minimum are, 

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Oatmeal flakes
  • Cooked rice
  • Cooked pasta
  • Cheerios
  • Whole wheat bread

What Should You Avoid Feeding Your Koi Fish?

Koi fish have difficulty digesting excess amounts of fiber as they do not have a stomach, so remember to keep fiber to a minimum.

 Certain foods should be avoided to prevent Koi fish from becoming sick. Catching bugs and worms could contaminate the water your Koi call home, so avoid the urge to feed them small critters you caught yourself.

Food to definitely avoid feeding your Koi are, 

  • Fish, you caught yourself
  • Frogs you catch
  • Bugs you caught 
  • Uncooked rice or pasta (this may swell in the intestines causing health issues and blockages)
  • White bread
  • Peas and corn (these are high in fiber, although some people say it’s safe, it’s best to avoid)

Is Betta Food Safe For Other Fish?

Less aggressive Betta fish can be kept successfully in large community tanks. So, it’s natural for the other fish to consume some of the Betta’s food. But is this safe?

Betta food is safe for other fish but should not be used as the primary food source for community tank fish. 

As previously mentioned, Betta fish are carnivorous and survive on high-protein diets. Other fish will need a balanced diet of protein and plant-based diets. 

If herbivore and omnivore fish consume too much high protein foods, it can cause some health issues in your fish.

  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Gas bubble disease
  • Obesity
  • Fatty liver

When feeding your fish, try to provide food for them at opposite ends to prevent your fish from consuming too much high-protein food.


It’s not a common practice to feed Betta food to Koi, but it is possible to do so without hurting your Koi. Koi are omnivores and will enjoy a protein diet of carnivorous Betta fish. It’s important to feed your Koi a balanced diet to ensure your Koi are healthy with strong immune systems.


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